Indonesia, whose population of 267 million inhabits a vast archipelago, has not been spared the challenge of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The difficulty of managing the disease has been compounded by limited public health and health care capacity, and high…
Why Can’t I Walk Your Dog? Not Accepting Help as a Coping Strategy During the Swiss Lockdown (#WitnessingCorona)
“Et nous souhaitons ici lancer un appel à l’ensemble de la population et notamment un appel aussi aux personnes âgées et vulnérables: Restez à la maison pour protéger votre santé. Évitez autant que possible les contacts avec d’autres personnes”[1]…
Wenn aus Tätern Opfer werden: Freilassung von Gefangenen wegen des Coronavirus in Argentinien (#WitnessingCorona)
SARS-CoV-2 hat die gesamte Welt in einen Ausnahmezustand versetzt. Jeden Tag geschieht etwas Neues, Unvorhersehbares, worauf die Menschen reagieren müssen. Die Regierungen der Länder und ihr Krisenmanagement werden auf die Probe gestellt. Oftmals treffen sie Entscheidungen, die nicht…
“We Cannot Afford to Take Any Risks”: Refugees in Indonesia under Self-Isolation amidst COVID-19 Pandemic (#WitnessingCorona)
Refugees in Indonesia are stuck in “troubled transit” (Missbach 2015), hoping for resettlement, living in a constant state of uncertainty. Their ‘refugee’ identities are defined by their past traumas and search for a future home. In their present state…
The Pre-Existing Vulnerabilities of Patients With Rare Disorders in Poland During a Global Pandemic (#WitnessingCorona)
The global race to find a vaccine and effective treatments for COVID-19 has already shown its side effects. In the UK and Poland patients with lupus, a rare, autoimmune disease and patient organizations have raised their concerns about the…