When the coronavirus enters Ethiopia The first time I heard somebody talking about the coronavirus in Ethiopia was in my car, in Addis Ababa, at the beginning of February 2020, as I was giving a lift to some of…
Refusing Blood, Establishing Relational Biocitizenship: Collectivizing Moments among Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany
In recent years anthropology has increasingly focused its attention on the dynamics of refusal (McGranahan 2016): from studies of Israelis who refuse to serve in the military (Weiss 2016) to the Mohawks’ refusal to recognize the state’s understanding of community…
KontaktkulturEN: Ausstellung an der Hochschule für Gesundheit (hsg) in Bochum
Die Ausstellung KontaktkulturEN ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Prof. Christiane Falge, Prof. Christian Postert, Dr. Sandhya Küsters (alle drei hsg), dem Fotografen Sinan Yaman, Ariya Fehrest Avanloo (Ehli-Beyt-Moschee), Mathias Köllmann und Faruk Yilidrim (Quartier-Büro HUkultur) und Franziska Hahn (hsg). KontaktkulturEN wurde…
Blind Pathways and Precarious Power in Inner-City Johannesburg
In the city of Johannesburg hundreds, perhaps thousands, of blind and otherwise disabled cross-border migrants – mostly from Zimbabwe – try to survive in the city. They live under conditions of extreme precarity, many residing in unlawfully occupied buildings, subject…
Healing the City: Sufi Prayers in Berlin’s Towers
Sufism in Berlin and Material Healing When little spots of roadside space are claimed, memorials constructed and maintained, mourning rituals performed, the separated space defended and protected, the secular made sacred, and public space privatized, then a place is made…
„Ebola is Real“: Christliche Rhetorik und Wahrnehmungen des Dämonischen in Liberia
Anfang August 2014 bin ich aus Liberia, wo ich meine anthropologische Feldforschung zu aus dem ghanaischen Exil zurückkehrenden liberianischen Flüchtlingen durchführte, nach Berlin zurückgekehrt. Das bedeutet, dass ich die Anfänge des Ausbruchs der aktuellen Ebola-Epidemie, welche am 6. August 2014…