
Mobility / Mobilität

Pandemic Affects, Planetary Specters, and the Precarious Everyday: Encountering COVID-19 as a Nomad with (Half)Grown Roots (#WitnessingCorona)

Pandemic Affects, Planetary Specters, and the Precarious Everyday: Encountering COVID-19 as a Nomad with (Half)Grown Roots (#WitnessingCorona)

Pandemics are planetary specters that haunt our more-than-human world. The “specter” of planetary destruction in the Anthropocene remains “the event of our time” (Ruddick 2015, 1115). Calling the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) another planetary specter heightens the serious material nature…

Monströs oder gespenstisch? Fragen von Schuld, Verantwortung und Solidarität in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie (#WitnessingCorona)

Monströs oder gespenstisch? Fragen von Schuld, Verantwortung und Solidarität in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie (#WitnessingCorona)

  Dieser Text stellt eine theoretische Reflexion zur Corona-Pandemie dar, die ich aus einer Situation in meiner Feldforschung zur lokalen Aushandlung des globalen Klimawandels im Rheinland entwickelt habe. Da in Deutschland seit Ende März 2020 aufgrund der globalen Corona-Pandemie alle…

At the Border of „Us“ and „Them“ – An Anecdote of a Korean International Student Going Through Corona Pandemic in France (#WitnessingCorona)

At the Border of „Us“ and „Them“ – An Anecdote of a Korean International Student Going Through Corona Pandemic in France (#WitnessingCorona)

  With the spread of the coronavirus, social distancing has become a new imperative. The changes are indeed very fast-paced. While many countries are adopting various measures to control the coronavirus outbreak, some measures are tougher than others, from mere…


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