Mein Leben als Material für meine anthropologische Forschung? Genau diesen Ansatz verfolgt die sogenannte Autoethnographie. Dabei bilden die autobiographischen Beobachtungen der Forschenden die Grundlage des Datenmaterials. Diese Herangehensweise wird von den Sozialwissenschaftler:innen Roy und Uekusa (2020: 384) als pandemie-konforme Methode…
Whose Space is this? A Multispecies Auto-Ethnography of Viral-Human Negotiations in the Contact Zone (#WitnessingCorona)
“Like faces pressed against a window, they leer at me menacingly: their very nearness is what menaces” (Timothy Morton 2013). Co-existing with SARS-CoV-2 is in times of the COVID-19 pandemic without any alternative. I live in the city…
„In Isolation“ (Mai 2020), Dokumentation über die Zeit nach dem COVID-19 Lockdown (#WitnessingCorona)
Die Idee zu dem Film „In Isolation“ ist während der Zeit nach dem Corona-Lockdown im März 2020 entstanden. Die damit verbundene kollektive Isolation, die uns alle in Österreich in Distanz zueinander und zur Außenwelt setzte, hat mich…
Future-making on Hold: Pandemic Audio Diaries from two Rift Valley Lakes in Kenya (#WitnessingCorona)
In this post, we share the accounts of our research partners from Lake Baringo and Lake Naivasha in the Kenyan Rift Valley on how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic impacts their lives and livelihoods. In mobile research with mobile people, mobile…
“Creative Methods and Participatory Arts Research in Medical Anthropology” – Conference Report of the 9th MAYS Meeting
Introduction: Focusing on Junior Scholars’ Perspectives In medical anthropology, participatory action research, body mappings, various photography-based methods such as photovoice projects, and others have proven to be useful tools in researching health, illness, and wellbeing. At the same time, arts-based…