If coronavirus is a game with all the countries as players who were dragged into it involuntarily, China seems to be the unpopular winner of the year (Spross 2021). Looking back at 2020, COVID-19 unleashed a global pandemic that swept…
Pandemic, Democratic Death, and Antifragility in Contemporary Italy: A Personal Reflection (#WitnessingCorona)
This article aims to reflect on how dying and the perception of death in the COVID-19 pandemic have changed in Piedmont (Italy). It explores how the relatives have been deprived of the possibility of accompanying the corpses and practicing…
Blocking the Pandemic: Regional Boundary Controls in Indonesia’s Far East (#WitnessingCorona)
Indonesia, whose population of 267 million inhabits a vast archipelago, has not been spared the challenge of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The difficulty of managing the disease has been compounded by limited public health and health care capacity, and high…
The Pre-Existing Vulnerabilities of Patients With Rare Disorders in Poland During a Global Pandemic (#WitnessingCorona)
The global race to find a vaccine and effective treatments for COVID-19 has already shown its side effects. In the UK and Poland patients with lupus, a rare, autoimmune disease and patient organizations have raised their concerns about the…
Singapore Nipped Things in the Bud – Germany Struggled With Delays (#WitnessingCorona)
As has been widely reported, a novel coronavirus appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Spreading rapidly through the city, and eventually the province of Hubei in January, countries and cities in the region started to implement travel restrictions in…
Sich der Pandemie hingeben. Schreiben und Nervosität in Zeiten von Covid-19 (#WitnessingCorona)
„Ich glaube, es gibt bei vielen ein ähnliches Verlangen, nicht anfangen zu müssen; ein ähnliches Begehren, sich von vornherein auf der anderen Seite des Diskurses zu befinden und nicht von außen ansehen zu müssen, was er Einzigartiges, Bedrohliches, ja…