“Et nous souhaitons ici lancer un appel à l’ensemble de la population et notamment un appel aussi aux personnes âgées et vulnérables: Restez à la maison pour protéger votre santé. Évitez autant que possible les contacts avec d’autres personnes”[1]…
What COVID-19 Reveals about Borders and Citizenship: Europe’s Migrants on Their Way Back Home (#WitnessingCorona)
Travel restrictions became a global response to combat the spread of COVID-19. According to an analysis from April 2020 at least 93 percent of the global population live in countries with coronavirus-related travel restrictions. Nearly half of that proportion…
Limiting Life for an Unlimited Time – A Student’s Perspective (#WitnessingCorona)
“It feels like we are in a puzzle. But there are missing pieces, so there is no way to see the whole picture yet. I guess they just forgot to put them in the package” (a friend, March 2020).…
The Pre-Existing Vulnerabilities of Patients With Rare Disorders in Poland During a Global Pandemic (#WitnessingCorona)
The global race to find a vaccine and effective treatments for COVID-19 has already shown its side effects. In the UK and Poland patients with lupus, a rare, autoimmune disease and patient organizations have raised their concerns about the…
Corona-Ninjas and Corona-Hyenas: COVID-19 Rhetoric in Poland (#WitnessingCorona)
„Each word tastes of the context and contexts in which it has lived its socially charged life…„ Mikhail Bakhtin (1981:293) Different words and phrases have been invented during the coronavirus pandemic to impose order on the reality that is novel,…
Positioniertheit im Gesundheitsnotstand: Wahrnehmungen, Auslassungen und Bewertungen im Kontext von Ebola und Corona (#WitnessingCorona)
„Es ist wohl auch zu spät. Das Virus hat sich so weit verbreitet, dass es kaum noch hülfe, einzelne Regionen unter Quarantäne zu stellen. Die Gepflogenheiten der Einheimischen haben der Seuche ein leichtes Spiel beschert. Die Regierungen haben zu…