“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet” William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet”, act 2, scene 2 “(…) But the label ‘schizophrenia’ is often toxic for those who acquire…
“Creative Methods and Participatory Arts Research in Medical Anthropology” – Conference Report of the 9th MAYS Meeting
Introduction: Focusing on Junior Scholars’ Perspectives In medical anthropology, participatory action research, body mappings, various photography-based methods such as photovoice projects, and others have proven to be useful tools in researching health, illness, and wellbeing. At the same time, arts-based…
“Care in Crisis: Ethnographic Perspectives on Humanitarianism” – Conference Report
Introduction Care is an intrinsic part of ordinary everyday life and a key foundation of social belonging. Encompassing both social practices and emotional ties (Drotbohm & Alber 2015), care defines and creates relationships and, according to the new kinship studies,…
Weaving the World in Conversation with Paul Stoller: From Sensuous Scholarship to Public Anthropology
Writing ethnographic texts is a central skill for anthropologists. How does one make a sound theoretical argument and simultaneously capture the reader’s full attention by bringing her or him to the field with words? PhD candidates in anthropology are required…
KontaktkulturEN: Ausstellung an der Hochschule für Gesundheit (hsg) in Bochum
Die Ausstellung KontaktkulturEN ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Prof. Christiane Falge, Prof. Christian Postert, Dr. Sandhya Küsters (alle drei hsg), dem Fotografen Sinan Yaman, Ariya Fehrest Avanloo (Ehli-Beyt-Moschee), Mathias Köllmann und Faruk Yilidrim (Quartier-Büro HUkultur) und Franziska Hahn (hsg). KontaktkulturEN wurde…
Die Welt zusammen/denken: Krisen, Lebenswelten und Handlungsspielräume – ein Jahr Blog Medizinethnologie
Vor einem Jahr erschienen die ersten Beiträge des Blogs „medizinethnologie.net“. Erster inhaltlicher Schwerpunkt war, mit gleich fünf in kurzer Folge erscheinenden Texten, das große Krisenthema des Jahres 2014: Ebola in Westafrika. Inzwischen, im Dezember 2015, sind wir viele Krisen weiter…