“It feels like we are in a puzzle. But there are missing pieces, so there is no way to see the whole picture yet. I guess they just forgot to put them in the package” (a friend, March 2020).…
Corona-Ninjas and Corona-Hyenas: COVID-19 Rhetoric in Poland (#WitnessingCorona)
„Each word tastes of the context and contexts in which it has lived its socially charged life…„ Mikhail Bakhtin (1981:293) Different words and phrases have been invented during the coronavirus pandemic to impose order on the reality that is novel,…
The Cultural Construction of the ‘Bizzare’. Disentangling Sinophobic Language in Media and Science During the COVID-19 Epidemic (#WitnessingCorona)
The Wuhan virus, the Chinese virus, or SARS-CoV-2? Wording matters! „I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the borders from China…
Virological Witch Hunts: Coronavirus and Social Control under Quarantine in Bergamo, Italy (#WitnessingCorona)
Compilations of video clips of Italian mayors berating citizens breaking quarantine to walk dogs, jog, or play ping pong have become something of a ‘viral’ sensation both in Italy and globally. The clips are often amusing, featuring politicians accusing their…
Weaving the World in Conversation with Paul Stoller: From Sensuous Scholarship to Public Anthropology
Writing ethnographic texts is a central skill for anthropologists. How does one make a sound theoretical argument and simultaneously capture the reader’s full attention by bringing her or him to the field with words? PhD candidates in anthropology are required…