
Radically Good. Reformulating Healing and Care Practices in Times of Crisis

Radically Good. Reformulating Healing and Care Practices in Times of Crisis

Report on the international conference “Radical Health. Doing Medicine, Health Care, and Anthropology of the Good” organized by the Association for Anthropology and Medicine (AGEM), the Medical Anthropology Working Group (AGMA) of the German Anthropological Association (DGSKA), and the Institute…

Your Life is Data – Wie erleben Studierende die Pandemie? (#WitnessingCorona)

Your Life is Data –  Wie erleben Studierende die Pandemie? (#WitnessingCorona)

Mein Leben als Material für meine anthropologische Forschung? Genau diesen Ansatz verfolgt die sogenannte Autoethnographie. Dabei bilden die autobiographischen Beobachtungen der Forschenden die Grundlage des Datenmaterials. Diese Herangehensweise wird von den Sozialwissenschaftler:innen Roy und Uekusa (2020: 384) als pandemie-konforme Methode…

Pandemic Affects, Planetary Specters, and the Precarious Everyday: Encountering COVID-19 as a Nomad with (Half)Grown Roots (#WitnessingCorona)

Pandemic Affects, Planetary Specters, and the Precarious Everyday: Encountering COVID-19 as a Nomad with (Half)Grown Roots (#WitnessingCorona)

Pandemics are planetary specters that haunt our more-than-human world. The “specter” of planetary destruction in the Anthropocene remains “the event of our time” (Ruddick 2015, 1115). Calling the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) another planetary specter heightens the serious material nature…


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