
CfP „Radical Health: Doing Medicine, Health Care, and Anthropology of the Good“ (Berlin, 2-4 October 2020)

CfP „Radical Health: Doing Medicine, Health Care, and Anthropology of the Good“ (Berlin, 2-4 October 2020)

In contemporary times of proliferating neoliberalization, augmenting socio-economic disparity, environmental degradation, and political struggles around identities and belonging, health and well-being are becoming increasingly fragile. Entangled economic, ecological, social, cultural, and political factors affect people’s living environments and professional worlds…

Call for Papers: Social Anthropology of ‚Well-Being‘ – Prekäres Leben: Krieg, Flucht, Migration

5.-6. Mai 2017, Institut für Ethnologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Organisation: Helene Basu, Natalie Gies-Powroznik, Claudia Lang, Dominik Mattes und Annika Strauss Wir möchten Sie herzlich zum nächsten thematischen Workshop der AG Medical Anthropology nach Münster einladen. Wie in den vergangenen…

CfP for Workshop „Embodied Belonging: In/Exclusion, Health Care, and Well-Being in a World in Motion“ (Berlin, GAA Conference 2017)

CfP for Workshop „Embodied Belonging: In/Exclusion, Health Care, and Well-Being in a World in Motion“ (Berlin, GAA Conference 2017)

The Work Group Medical Anthropology organizes the workshop „Embodied Belonging: In/Exclusion, Health Care, and Well-Being in a World in Motion“ at the German Anthropological Association’s Biannual Conference on the theme titled „Belonging: Affective, Moral and Political Practices in an Interconnected…


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