Zur Entlastung der Berliner Covid-19-Untersuchungsstellen hat die Charité eine App eingerichtet. CovApp bietet Menschen mit potenzieller Exposition zu Covid-19-Fällen die Möglichkeit, ihre individuelle Gefährdung fundiert einzuschätzen. Gegebenenfalls wird durch die App nach Beantwortung einiger Fragen davon abgeraten, die Untersuchungsstellen aufzusuchen.…
Watching Coronavirus in Kenya (#WitnessingCorona)
Here in Kenya the sun is shining and a beautiful breeze is blowing through the house. But the house is where we have been, and largely stayed for over a week now since 16th of March, when schools closed and…
Silent Encroachments: Counting and grappling with Covid-19 in unequal Brazil (#WitnessingCorona)
Life, as we know, has been abruptly disrupted. In Brazil, talk about the coronavirus and the mechanics of contagion and containment come into contact with political exasperation and make salient the contours of the country’s deep-seated social and economic inequality.…
Witnessing Corona: Call for blog contributions
We are delighted to announce that the “Blog Medical Anthropology / Medizinethnologie”, Curare: Journal of Medical Anthropology, the Global South Studies Center Cologne, and boasblogs have jointly launched the new blog series „Witnessing Corona“. >> See our recent contributions to…
‘Stay on your continent!’ Coronavirus and the alarm of European spread in South Africa (#WitnessingCorona)
When the first cases of infection started to appear in southern Germany, Jens Spahn, the Federal Minister of Health, was optimistic about the ability of German health authorities to contact trace and isolate infected persons (n-tv 2020). Everyday life would…